Movie: The Sect (1991)
Film Synopsis:
This stylishly photographed horror film centers on a beautiful and kind schoolteacher whose life becomes a living hell after she is chosen to give birth to Satans son. His terrifying ordeal begins when an ancient enigmatic traveler places an ancient, supposedly extinct, insect on his nose. It crawled into his brain. He soon began having frightening dreams and more. When he learns the terrible truth about his connection to the dark things get even worse. Still the baby is born and the poor woman faces a terrible and, wise, surprising choice. Uploaded by: Freeman June 06, 2021 at 05:22 PM
Cast: Kelly Curtis as Miriam Kreisl Giovanni Lombardo Radice as Martin Romero Herbert Lom as Moebius Kelly Richard Sammel as Truck Driver
Year: 1991
Genre: Horror/
Rating: 6.1 / 10