Komunitas Film Join

Movie: The Square (2008)
Film Synopsis:
Ray, a construction worker trapped in an unhappy marriage, pursues an affair with his neighbor, Carla. Carlas husband, Greg, is a mobster who keeps a large amount of drug money in their house. With this in mind, Carla hatches a plan: she and Ray will steal Gregs money, burn his house down, convince Greg that the money was lost in the fire and then run away together. Carlas scheme, however, doesnt go according to plan. Uploaded by: Freeman October 25, 2020 at 07:46 am
Cast: Joel Edgerton as Billy Claire van der Boom as Carla Smith Damon Herriman as Eddie Anthony Hayes as Greg Smithy Smith
Year: 2008
Genre: Action/Crime
Rating: 6.7 / 10
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