Movie: The Turning Wind (1962)
Film Synopsis:
Damiel is now married to Marion, runs Pizzeria "Da Angelo" and the two have children. The solitary remaining Angel Cassiel becomes increasingly dissatisfied with his fate as a mere observer of human life and finally decides to take a big leap. As Karl Engel, he soon finds himself in dubious circles and finds himself as the assistant to a German American baker, who makes his money with shady arms deals and sending films east in exchange for guns. Cassiels adventure turns into a "thriller" when he decides to stop Bakers game. Uploaded by: Freeman August 06, 2022 at 05:40 pm
Cast: Willem Dafoe as Emit Flesti Nastassja Kinski as Raphaela Peter Falk as Peter Falk Horst Buchholz as Tony Baker
Year: 1993
Genre: Drama/Fantasy
Rating: 7.2 / 10