Movie: The Way West (1967)
Film Synopsis:
In the mid-19th century, Senator William J. Tadlock leads a group of land settlers on a quest to start a new settlement in the western US. Tadlock is a highly principled and demanding taskmaster who is as harsh on himself as he is on those who have joined his bandwagon. He clashed with one of the new settlers, Lije Evans, who did not quite appreciate Tadlocks ways. Along the way, the family must face death and heartbreak and an example of frontier justice when one of them accidentally kills an Indian boy. Uploaded by: Freeman January 11, 2019 at 11:58
Cast: Sam Elliott as Missouri Townsman Sally Field as Mercy McBee Kirk Douglas as Senator William J. Tadlock Robert Mitchum as Dick Summers
Year: 1967
Genre: Adventure/Drama
Rating: 6.2 / 10