Movie: The X Files I Want to Believe (2008)
Film Synopsis:
Six years after the events of the X-Files Series Finale, former FBI agent Doctor Dana Scully is now a staff doctor at Our Lady of Sorrows, a Catholic hospital, and cares for a boy named Christian who suffers from Sandhoffs disease, a terminal brain condition. FBI Agent Drummy arrives to ask for Scullys help in finding Fox Mulder, former head of the X-Files division, and says they will call off their hunt for him if he will help investigate the disappearance of several women, including young FBI agent Monica Monica BANAN. Mulder and Scully are called back to duty by the FBI when a former priest claims to receive psychic visions relating to kidnapped agents. Uploaded by: Freeman February 20, 2020 at 01:02 pm
Cast: Gillian Anderson as Dana Scully David Duchovny as Fox Mulder Amanda Peet as ASAC Dakota Whitney Billy Connolly as Father Joseph Crissman
Year: 2008
Genre: Action/Crime
Rating: 5.9 / 10