Komunitas Film Join
Movie: Tiger Claws III (2000)
Film Synopsis:
When a psychotic martial artist named Stryker resurrects the old spirits of three ancient Chinese master assassins in an attempt to take over the New York underworld, its up to on supercops Tarek Richards and Linda Masterson to stop it. However, its not easy to fight the undead, and although Richards seems to hold the key within him to defeat this "master", he will need the guidance of his former master Stryker to help him... let the battle begin. Uploaded by: Freeman January 10, 2022 at 02:05
Cast: Cynthia Rothrock as Linda Masterson Bolo Yeung as Chong Russell Peters as Det. Elliot George Tchortov as Gunman at barn
Year: 2000
Genre: Action/Fantasy
Rating: 4.0 / 10
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