Movie: A Haunting in Cawdor (2015)
Film Synopsis:
In this tense tale of psychological terror, Vivian Miller (Young) is a young twenty-something woman serving prison time in a work release program in the Midwest. His 90 days of probation lead him to the Cawdor Theatre, a dilapidated summer stock theater run by Lawrence ONeil (Elwes). Lawrence, a failed Broadway director, is now reduced to staging amateur productions with young parolees and raging over mistakes from his past. Vivians arrival in Cawdor begins a series of terrifying events that bring Lawrence Secrets past into the present. After Vivian views an old stage production of Macbeth, an evil force is released that immediately turns its gaze to her. With the help of Roddy (Welch), a local outcast, Vivian sets out to try to find out who the supernatural killer on the tape is before she becomes the next victim. Uploaded by: Freeman September 05, 2016 at 01:44
Cast: Cary Elwes as Lawrence ONeil Michael Welch as Roddy Shelby Young as Vivian Miller Alexandria DeBerry as Jeanette Welles
Year: 2015
Genre: Action/Horror
Rating: 3.9 / 10