Movie: Adventures of Serial Buddies (2011)
Film Synopsis:
Gregory is a devout Catholic who wants to kill bad people to give them safe passage to heaven, Gary is an assembly worker at a trophy shop who wants to kill potential trophy winner, Graham is Garys apprentice who will do anything to be the Maker trophy and Vinny Van Go drives a makeshift road van just to be friends. A chance encounter forces these four dim rejects to join forces and embark on an idiotic and altogether hilarious road trip adventure - meeting the likes of skinheads, fraternity jocks, sorority babies, lost kids, bikers, porn stars, clowns, and Kathie Lee Lee Gifford! If the boys arent careful, they might just become humans, in what is "the first serial killer Buddy movie of all time uploaded by: Freeman July 20, 2020 at 02:27 pm
Cast: Christopher Lloyd as Dr. Von Gearheart Henry Winkler as Narrator Christopher McDonald as Father Christopher Beth Behrs as Brittany
Year: 2011
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 4.2 / 10