Movie: America (2009)
Film Synopsis:
In "America," Dr. Maureen Brennan, a psychiatrist at a youth treatment center, meets her newest patient, a bi-racial boy named America. Through their sessions, Dr. Brennan helps America come to terms with his roller-coaster life, which began when he was taken by authorities from his crack-addicted mother, and placed in an orphanage as a baby. A brief period of stability in his life occurred when America lived with Mrs. Harper, the elderly nanny to one of her foster families. Later reunited with her mother, she immediately left America and she was again placed in foster care. Behind in school and full of anger, America retreated further from society after years of sexual abuse. After attempting suicide, America was placed in a treatment center where Dr. Brennan helps him open up about his painful past and find the support and courage he needs to get his life back on track. Uploaded by: Freeman September 05, 2021 at 22:53
Cast: Rosie ODonnell as Dr. Maureen Brennan Bubba Weiler as Fish Dante Brown as Young Brooklyn Toya Turner as Susana
Year: 2009
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 6.2 / 10