Movie: Cameraman The Life and Work of Jack Cardiff (2010)
Film Synopsis:
In 2001 Jack Cardiff (1914-2009) became the first Director of Photography in the history of the Academy Awards to win an honorary Oscar. But the first time he held a famous statue in his hands was half a century earlier when his Technicolor shoot was awarded for Powell and Pressburgers black Narcissus. Beyond War and Peace The African Queen and John Hustons King Vidor, the British-Hungarian creative duos films (the red shoes and matters of life and death too) guaranteed immortality for the famed cameraman whose career spanned seventy years. Uploaded by: Freeman February 23, 2022 at 03:47 am
Cast: Martin Scorsese as Self - Interviewee Sylvester Stallone as Rambo Charlton Heston as Self - Interviewee John Wayne as Self
Year: 2010< br />Genre: Action/Biography
Rating: 7.6 / 10