Movie: Confucius (2010)
Film Synopsis:
In 500 BC, during Chinas famous Spring and Autumn, Kong Ze (Confucius), a commoner revered for his extraordinary wisdom, was appointed became Minister of Law in the Ancient Kingdom of Lu. Under his inspired leadership, Lu rose to new heights but became a target of conquest for the warlike Qi nation. Threatened with annihilation by their powerful neighbors, a desperate people turned to their greatest teacher to lead their most powerful army. When Confucius delivers a stunning victory against all odds, the jealous aristocracy sets out to destroy him, but they must not underestimate the extraordinary man whose wisdom was mightier than the sword. Uploaded by: Freeman September 21, 2023 at 12:46 am
Cast: Yun-Fat Chow as Confucius
Year: 2010
Genre: Biography/Drama
Rating: 6.1 / 10