Movie: Deacons for Defense (2003)
Film Synopsis:
Inspired by a true story, this drama is set in 1965, not long after the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Despite these actions, African Americans in Bogalusa were still treated like third class citizens, their fundamental rights as human beings continually trampled upon by the white power structure, in general, and the local branch of the KKK. The story follows the formation of local black men, primarily former war veterans who after a struggle getting too cocky organize the group, "Deacons for Defense", an all-black defense group dedicated to patrolling the black section of town and protecting its residents from its more violent aspects. of "white reaction." Uploaded by: Freeman September 29, 2020 at 12:16 am
Cast: Forest Whitaker as Marcus Clay Jonathan Potts as Garrison Marcus Johnson as Young Marcus Francis X. McCarthy as Christenberry
Year: 2003< br />Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 7.0 / 10