Movie: Doraemon the Movie Nobitas Little Star Wars 2021 (2022)
Film Synopsis:
One day during summer vacation, a palm-sized alien named Papi appears from a small rocket that Nobita took. He is the president of Pirika, a small planet in outer space, and has come to Earth to escape the rebels. Doraemon and his friends are confused by Papis small size, but as they play together using the secret tool "little light", they gradually become friends. However, a whale-shaped space warship comes to Earth and attacks Doraemon, Nobita and the others to capture Papi. Feeling responsible for getting everyone involved, Papi tries to fight the rebels. Doraemon and his friends went to planet Pirika to protect their good friend and his home. Uploaded by: Freeman February 18, 2023 at 05:11
Cast: Yuki Kaji as Rokoroko Mayu Matsuoka as Piina
Year: 2022
Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating : 6.5 / 10