Movie: Exeter (2015)
Film Synopsis:
During an all-night, drug-fueled party at an abandoned asylum known for its horrific treatment of its patients, a group of ordinary teenagers decide to experiment with the occult, under mysterious circumstances leading to violent possession. In an attempt to find help, the group rushes to escape, only to find themselves locked inside with no way of communication. Temps flare, trusts are shattered and in an attempt to save one of their friends who is possessed by a demon, the amateurs attempt an exorcism. Instead of solving the problem, and unbeknownst to them, they released an even more powerful and vengeful spirit, one with different motives and one that wanted them all dead. The teens only chance of survival is to uncover the asylums deep mystery and find a way out before its too late. Uploaded by: Freeman October 12, 2023 at 06:29 pm
Cast: Stephen Lang as Father Conway Kevin Chapman as Greer Brett Dier as Brad Marcus Nispel as Additional Voices
Year: 2015
Genre: Horror/Mystery
Rating: 4.5 / 10