Movie: Fortune Favors Lady Nikuko (2021)
Film Synopsis:
Nikuko is a brash, carefree, scattered, and passionate woman in a sleepy seaside town in northern Japan. She is also the single mother of 11-year-old Kikuko, who is her complete opposite in many ways. Kikuko is a swipe at a young girl, pensive, quiet, and methodical in how she approaches life in this small port town. Nikuko embarrasses Kikuko as much as any mother of a preteen would, but Nikukos brave spirit makes her very famous in a town where Kikuko herself wants nothing more than to blend in. As Kikuko navigates the everyday social drama of high school, its enhanced with a twist. The magical realism of his ever-present imagination, a shocking revelation from the past threatens to uproot the couples tender relationship. Uploaded by: Freeman June 11, 2022 at 10:58 am
Year: 2021
Genre: Animation/Comedy
Rating: 6.8 / 10