Movie: Here and Elsewhere (1976)
Film Synopsis:
"This is an average French family in front of their television. Elsewhere, they are Palestinian fighters filmed before the black September massacre." (J.L.G., 1976). "We came here to learn this: to study, learn lessons, if possible to record these lessons, to then broadcast them here, or elsewhere in the world. Almost a year ago, we both came to investigate the Democratic front. Another went to Fath. We read the text and the program. As French Maoists, we decided to make a film with Fath whose title was until victory. We let the Palestinians, during the film, themselves say the word: "revolution". is actually the method of thought and work of the Palestine Liberation Movement " (JLG, Manifesto, July 1970) Uploaded by: Freeman February 4, 2021 at 04:51
Cast: Jean-Luc Godard as Narrator
Year: 1976
Genre: Action/Documentary
Rating: 7.1 / 10