Movie: Holler (2020)
Film Synopsis:
In a forgotten pocket of southern Ohio where American manufacturing and opportunity are drying up, a determined young woman finds her ticket out when she is accepted into college. Along with her older brother, Ruth Avery joins a dangerous scrap metal crew to pay her way. Together, they spend one brutal winter working in a scrap yard by day and stealing precious metals from a once-thriving factory by night. With her goal in sight, Ruth discovers that the ultimate cost of education for a girl like her may be more than she bargained for, and she soon finds herself torn between a promising future and the family she will leave behind. Uploaded by: Freeman June 09, 2021 at 06:17 am
Cast: Pamela Adlon as Rhonda Jessica Barden as Ruth Becky Ann Baker as Linda Austin Amelio as Hark
Year: 2020
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 6.2 / 10