Movie: Joseph Kilian (1963)
Film Synopsis:
In the 12th century Andalusia lived Ibn Rushd, a prominent Islamic philosopher with his wife Zeinab and daughter Salma. The principality was ruled by Khalifa Elmansour who had two sons, Elnasser, an intellectual who liked Ibn Rush and was in love with his daughter Salma. The youngest son Abdallah preferred dancing and poetry, spent most of his time with his Gypsy family and got his daughter pregnant. Khalifa relied on extremists to build his army giving them more power which they used to fight artists and philosophers. The extremists managed to recruit Abd Allah and train him to kill his father. Events occurred in which Marawan, the gypsy singer, was killed and Ibn Rushds books were burned. Adapted from the real life of Ibn Rushd Almasir is Chahines statement against extremism. Uploaded by: Freeman January 17, 2023 at 01:53 am
Year: 1997
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Rating: 7.2 / 10