Movie: Mary and Martha (2013)
Film Synopsis:
Rich American housewife Mary Morgan takes her bullied son George out of school for a home education, including a trip to South Africa. While in Mozambique George was bitten by a mosquito that crawled through a hole in his net and died of malaria. After his funeral at home Mary felt compelled to return to Africa where she met Englishwoman Martha OConnell, whose 24-year-old son, a teacher with voluntary service overseas, had also died of malaria. Ben gives a net to one of his students, believing that adults cannot catch malaria. Both women were shocked to see the high death rate caused by disease and, while Martha stayed in Africa as a volunteer helper, Mary petitioned the American government to change things. Martha shows up at Marys house unannounced and, aided by Marys ex-father, they speak to the Senate committee about health spending, persuading them to do more to fight malaria. They meet with some success although the coda states that more could be done. Uploaded by: Freeman October 10, 2022 at 06:16 PM
Cast: Sam Claflin as Ben Hilary Swank as Mary Frank Grillo as Peter Jamie Bell as Billy
Year: 2013
Genre : Action/Drama
Rating: 6.8 / 10