Movie: Moonlight (2002)
Film Synopsis:
Claire lives with her rich adoptive parents in a luxurious and secluded house in the woods. He found an injured and bleeding boy his age in his familys garden shed. The boy is a young drug courier from Afghanistan; shot and wounded after serving its purpose as human packaging material. Claire decides to keep the child a secret. He slowly recovered under her care; And they fell in love. When the drug dealer returns and Claires family returns to town; They decided to run away; Though Claire finds it hard to outrun her past as an abandoned child. Uploaded by: Freeman November 22, 2021 at 22:08
Cast: Andrew Howard as Gang Leader Jemma Redgrave as Mother Johan Leysen as Father Halina Reijn as Crazy Woman in Car
Year: 2002
Genre: Action/Thriller
Rating: 6.0 / 10