Movie: Use Me (2019)
Film Synopsis:
Use Me is a provocative thriller following filmmaker Julian Shaw (playing himself) as he makes a documentary about ‘Mental Humiliatrix Ceara Lynch (playing herself). Lynch is a new breed of online sex worker who has been producing outrageous amounts of humiliation to her willing clients over the internet without ever meeting them in person. As Julian digs deeper into Cearas strange practices, he discovers that the line between fantasy and reality is not as clear as he describes it. Could it be that Ceara is hiding something very unethical from Julian? Maybe some of his clients werent as willing as he portrayed them? When Julian engineers a real-world encounter between Ceara and a slave he believes has been abused, a game of cat and mouse begins that could have life-and-death consequences. Uploaded by: Freeman April 20, 2020 at 07:34 am
Cast: Joseph D. Reitman as Luke Adore
Year: 2019
Genre: Thriller/
Rating: 4.2 / 10