Movie: Neverland (2011)
Film Synopsis:
Raised on the streets of turn-of-the-century London, orphan Peter and his friends survive by their fearless wits as cunning young pickpockets. Now, they have been captured by their mentor Jimmy Hook to seize a priceless, some believe, magical treasure that takes them to another world. Neverland is a realm of white forests and the legendary mystery of eternal youth, where unknown friends and foes snatched from time greet new travelers with excitement and trepidation. These groups include a group of 18th century pirates led by Power-Mad Elizabeth Bonny, and the Kaw Native American tribe led by a holy man, who has protected the secret of the tree spirit from Bonny and her gang for centuries, and who has long meant war. But as the fight to save this strange and wonderful world becomes vital, Hook, Peter, and the Ragamuffin Lost Boys consider that growing old somewhere in time may be less important than growing up, right here in their new home called Neverland. - Anonymous uploaded By: Freeman September 20 2016 at 08:20 am
Cast: Keira Knightley as Tinker Bell Anna Friel as Elizabeth Bonny Charles Dance as Doctor Richard Fludd Rhys Ifans as Jimmy Hook
Year : 2011
Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating: 6.3 / 10