Movie: Personal Services (1987)
Film Synopsis:
The story of Madames rise from a suburban brothel catering to older men, inspired by Cynthia Paynes true experiences. The story follows Christine Painter as a down-at-heel waitress who, with the help of prostitute Shirley and cross-dressing wing commander Morten, attempts to increase her income by turning her house into a brothel. Soon she and her girls were chaining judges, beating generals and tending to the needs of honorable members. Christine sees herself as providing a vital service to these harmless people and when finally the house is broken and the case comes to court, it is fair to say that the presiding judge is unfamiliar with her job. Uploaded by: Freeman February 22, 2022 at 04:47 pm
Cast: Shirley Stelfox as Shirley Ian McNeice as Harry John Shrapnel as Lionel Julie Walters as Christine
Year: 1987
Genre : Comedy/
Rating: 6.4 / 10