Movie: Singing the Blues in Red (1986)
Film Synopsis:
Persona non grata in his homeland, protest singer Klaus Drittemann has to leave East Berlin, his wife and child and emigrate to West Berlin, where representatives of an American record company eagerly awaiting it. They planned to exploit his defection from communism both ideologically and financially. But Klaus, as uncomfortable in the West as he is in the east, is reluctant to be used as a disposable commodity. Leaving his contract unsigned (or signing with his attitude), he goes to Cambridge to meet his father, a concert performer, who - just like him - left East Berlin thirty years ago when Klaus was still a child. He is accompanied by a young French journalist, Emma, ??who knows where his father lives since he has been missing for more than a decade. The young woman is cooperative but may be hiding something from him... uploaded by: Freeman January 30, 2016 at 04:33
Cast: Cristine Rose as Lucy Bernstein
Year: 1986
Genre : Action/Drama
Rating: 6.2 / 10