Movie: The Bingo Long Traveling AllStars and Motor Kings (1976)
Film Synopsis:
In the world of 1930s Negro League baseball, a team of passionate Renegade players travels around the Midwest looking for that one big score. Richard Pryor, Billy Dee Williams, and James Earl Jones star as three barnstorming ballplayers who take on the prejudices and unfair rules of their own league while stealing cars, food, and home base – anything to prove theyre the best team around. Its a clash of brains over booby traps and sportsmanship over racial segregation as All-Stars Bingo Long swings to a winning season;. Uploaded by: Freeman October 12, 2021 at 08:18 PM
Cast: James Earl Jones as Leon Carter, All-Star Richard Pryor as Charlie Snow, All-Star Billy Dee Williams as Bingo Long Ahna Capri as The Prostitute
Year: 1976
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 6.8 / 10