Movie: The Body (2001)
Film Synopsis:
An ancient skeleton has been discovered in Jerusalem in the tomb of a rich man. The color of the wrist and ankle bones indicates the cause of death was crucifixion. Other signs, including a gold coin bearing the signs of Pontius Pilate and faint marks around the skull, led authorities to suspect that these could be the bones of Jesus Christ. Politicians, clerics, religious extremists and those who use terror as a means to an end, find their beliefs and identities tested while risking their lives to unearth the truth..... uploaded by: Freeman April 05, 2021 at 11:04 pm
Cast: Antonio Banderas as Father Matt Gutierrez Olivia Williams as Sharon Golban Ian McNeice as Dr. Sproul Derek Jacobi as Father Lavelle
Year: 2001
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 5.3 / 10