Movie: The Christmas Spirit (2013)
Film Synopsis:
Charlotte Hart, a prominent journalist, is spending time with her family during the holidays when a real estate developer approaches their small town with quite an offer. Skeptical and looking for the real scoop, Charlotte drives to see the real estate head honcho to question him. While he is on the road, he gets into a terrible car accident and wakes up in the hospital only to realize that his body is in a coma, but his spirit is very much intact. He meets another spirit, who happens to be a greedy developer. It turns out he was on the edge of an accident and he was also in a coma. With only days left before the city votes on the development, Charlotte must try to change the minds of developers and the city, but thats no easy task when no one can see or hear it. Will his voice be heard? Uploaded by: Freeman July 17, 2020 at 10:56 am
Cast: Sammi Hanratty as Morgan Nicollette Sheridan as Charlotte Hart Bart Johnson as Daniel Huntslar Olympia Dukakis as Gwen Hollander
Year: 2013
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 5.8 / 10