Movie: The Edelweiss Pirates (2004)
Film Synopsis:
Cologne near the end of the Second World War. The city is destroyed, everyone is afraid, many are dead. These are extraordinary times of inhumanity. The young Edelweiss pirate Cologne refuses to bow to the pressure of the Nazi regime. They fought with the Hitler youth and anti-war propaganda graffiti on the walls. Karl is an Edelweiss pirate; His younger brother, Peter, was in the Hitler youth movement. The two young men have been alone since the death of their mother in a bomb attack; Their father served at the front, and their older brother, Otto, had been killed in action. Ottos Financee, Cilly, does his best to survive the war with his children. Carl tries to help him. Uploaded by: Freeman September 14, 2020 at 01:53 am
Year: 2004
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 6.1 / 10