Movie: The Family That Preys (2008)
Film Synopsis:
Alice Pratt, a hard-working Christian woman, raises her two daughters while running her own modest restaurant. Her arrogant and arrogant daughter Andrea graduated in economics and works at a construction company while her sister Pam lives with Alice and works in a restaurant. Andrea is married to construction worker Chris, who works for the same company as his wife but dreams of starting his own business. But he was unfaithful to her - with their boss William Cartwright. William is the son of Alices best friend, the rich Charlotte Cartwright. While Alice travels with Charlotte on the road, Williams ambitions and infidelities trigger a series of events that will affect relationships in both families. Uploaded by: Freeman October 10, 2023 at 05:53 pm
Cast: Cole Hauser as William Cartwright Kathy Bates as Charlotte Cartwright Taraji P. Henson as Pam Sanaa Lathan as Andrea
Year: 2008< br />Genre: Drama/
Rating: 5.9 / 10