Movie: The Great Scout and Cathouse Thursday (1976)
Film Synopsis:
Sam Longwood, a frontiersman who has seen better days, spies on his gold mining partner, Jack Colby, who has run off with all the gold from the mining they had done during the previous fifteen years. She tells her other partners from that time, Joe Knox and Billy, and they confront Colby demanding not only the thousands of dollars he took but an additional fifty-nine thousand for their trouble. After being thwarted in this attempt, they, and a candidate mentioned on Thursday, hatch a plan to kidnap Colbys wife, Nancy Sue, who happens to be Sams old flame, but discover that Nancy Sue is not the sweet girl Sam remembers. Uploaded by: Freeman December 25, 2018 at 01:07 am
Cast: Oliver Reed as Joe Knox Kay Lenz as Thursday Robert Culp as Jack Colby Elizabeth Ashley as Nancy Sue
Year: 1976
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 6.1 / 10