Movie: The Visitors (1993)
Film Synopsis:
This outrageous time travel comedy follows the misunderstandings of a strange medieval knight (Jean Reno) and his loyal servant when they are accidentally transported back in time contemporary by a senile wizard. Mayhem Rules As these 12th century visitors try to adapt to the confusing modern world. To avoid being trapped here forever, they immediately begin an all-out cosmic assault on their former castle-now a luxury hotel-in their attempt to return to the past. Uploaded by: Freeman March 28, 2020 at 09:14 am
Cast: Jean Reno as Godefroy de Papincourt, Comte de Montmirail Valerie Lemercier as Frenegonde de Pouille / Beatrice de Montmirail Christian Clavier as Jacquouille la Fripouille / Jacquard
Year: 1993
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 7.0 / 10