Movie: Tiger Claws II (1996)
Film Synopsis:
Released five years after the first installment, Tiger Claws II finds martial arts serial killer Yeung, Chong, broken out of prison by a heavy team employed by gangster Dai Lo Fu and shuffle across the country to San Franciscos Chinatown. When NYC COP Tarek Richards learns about the recent rash of murders using M.O. Chongs signature claw-like markings on the victims face contacted his longtime partner, Linda Masterson, who now lives in L.A., for help. But Chong, it turns out, had nothing to do with the murder. He was recently used by Crime Kingpin Lo Fu, who needed to combine his energy with Chongs to open some kind of time portal to provide vital supplies to the ancient Shaolin monks. However, in truth, Lo Fu was greedily planning to use the portal to smuggle in heavy modern artillery and Qing Dynasty era rules himself. Uploaded by: Freeman January 10, 2022 at 02:06 PM
Cast: Cynthia Rothrock as Linda Masterson Bolo Yeung as Chong
Year: 1996
Genre: Action/
Rating: 4.8 / 10