Movie: Uranya (2006)
Film Synopsis:
Summer 1969. Dictatorship. In a small town, young Achileas breaks his leg by falling from the courtyard wall of the local cinema. He wanted to see Brigit Bardot naked... However, during his visit to the city to treat his broken leg, for the first time in his life, he saw television! This program informed about the Apollo launch to the moon. The idea of ??launching became Achileas obsession and together with his friends they raised money, to buy a TV set. Soon, however, the dilemma becomes imperative. Will they buy a television or "visit" everyone with Uranya to be taught the secrets of love? Uploaded by: Freeman March 23, 2023 at 05:56 am
Cast: Maria Grazia Cucinotta as Uranya Despina Mirou as Girl in Photo
Year: 2006
Genre: Comedy/
Rating: 6.4 / 10