Movie: Weathering with You (2019)
Film Synopsis:
The summer of his junior year of high school, Hodaka flees his remote island home for Tokyo, and quickly finds himself pushed to his financial and personal limits. The weather was very gloomy and rainy every day, as if it took its cue from his life. After several days of solitude, he finally finds work as a freelance writer for a mysterious occult magazine. Then, one day, Hodaka meets Hina on a busy street corner. This bright, strong-willed girl has a strange and extraordinary ability: the power to stop the rain and clear the sky. Uploaded by: Freeman June 01, 2020 at 06:02 am
Cast: Lee Pace as Keisuke Suga Alison Brie as Natsumi Ashley Boettcher as Hina Amano Riz Ahmed as Takai
Year: 2019
Genre: Action/Animation
Rating: 7.5 / 10