Movie: Will Penny (1967)
Film Synopsis:
Will Penny, an aging calf, takes a job on a ranch that requires him to drive around the property looking for trespassers or, worse, squatters. He discovers that his cabin in the high mountains has been appropriated by a woman whose guide to Oregon had abandoned him and his son. Too embarrassed to kick mother and son just in time for the bitter winter cold from the mountains, he agrees to share the cabin until the spring thaw. But its not just the snow thats slowly melting; Lonely men and women soon forget their mutual hostility and begin to develop deep love for each other. Uploaded by: Freeman March 13, 2021 at 03:53 pm
Cast: Charlton Heston as Will Penny Donald Pleasence as Preacher Quint Lee Majors as Blue Jon Gries as Horace - aka Button
Year: 1967
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 7.1 / 10