Komunitas Film Join
Movie: Wuthering Heights (1992)
Film Synopsis:
Young orphan Heathcliff is adopted by the wealthy Earnshaw family and moves to their plantation, Wuthering Heights. Soon, the new resident falls in love with her loving sister, Cathy. The two had an extraordinary bond that seemed unbreakable until Cathy, feeling the pressure of social convention, suppressed her feelings and married Edgar Linton, a man with manners befitting her stature. Heathcliff vows to win it. Uploaded by: Freeman March 18, 2021 at 04:14 am
Cast: Ralph Fiennes as Heathcliff Paul Geoffrey as Mr Lockwood Juliette Binoche as Cathy / Catherine Janet McTeer as Ellen Dean
Year: 1992< br />Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 6.6 / 10
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