Movie: Among Wolves (2010)
Film Synopsis:
Entre lobos (among the wolves) tells the extraordinary story of a poor boy named Marcos, who at the age of 7 was handed over to his fathers mistress, a landlord rich land, which in turn led him to a life working with tough lunatics in an isolated valley. The old man, who lives in a cave, is not used to human company and at first doesnt seem too interested in having an apprentice live in. The boy, abused by his parents, is frightened and equally withdrawn at first. Despite this, the shepherd began teaching Marcos how to herd goats, as well as how to care for himself and how to survive in the wilderness by trapping and fishing. Uploaded by: Freeman November 14, 2020 at 08:38 am
Cast: Juan Jose Ballesta as Marcos 20 anos
Year: 2010
Genre: Action/Biography
Rating : 6.6 / 10