Movie: Cesar (1936)
Film Synopsis:
Honore Panisse is dying, carefree, with friends, wife, and son by her side. He confessed to the priest in front of his friends; He insisted that the doctor was honest. But, he cant bring himself to tell his son Cesariot that his real father is Marius, the absent son of Cesar, Cesariots godfather. Panisse handed him over to Fanny, the childs mother. Saying that he had gone to see a friend, Cesariot then sought out Marius, now a mechanic in Toulon. Posing as a journalist, Cesariot spends time with Marius and leaves behind stories believing him to be a petty thief. Only after the truth comes out can Marius, Fanny, Cesar, and Cesariot step beyond the falsehood, however tame. Uploaded by: Freeman March 31, 2022 at 12:04 am
Year: 1936
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 7.6 / 10