Movie: Transformer (2017)
Film Synopsis:
In the summer of 2015, former US and world weight trainer Matt "Kroc" Kroczaleski publicly came out as transgender. The reaction was universal: her sponsor abandoned her, she was disowned by her parents, banned from competing, and she changed her name to "Janae". The film follows Janae as she tries to find her place in society. Originally wanting to shed muscle and become a much smaller looking woman, she found herself unable to lose the muscle she had gained so much. He now finds himself living one day as an alpha male and the next as an ethereal girl. Will Janae be able to handle her muscle flare-up? Will his part in being a man bring him the peace he seeks? Will society accept a 250lbs muscular woman? Is the course of personal redemption or physical and psychological disaster? Uploaded by: Freeman December 25, 2018 at 03:19 pm
Year: 2017
Genre: Action/Documentary
Rating: 7.0 / 10