Movie: Christmas on the Vine (2020)
Film Synopsis:
Brooke, a young marketing executive, returns to her vibrant hometown to relive her Christmas memories, while helping out a struggling family-owned winery. His marketing duties involve an unlikely partnership with Tyler, the charismatic, yet headstrong winery owner. Brooke quickly learns that the towns Christmas spirit has disappeared due to a wine conglomerate buying up all the local wineries. Determined to bring Christmas back to town, Brooke and Tyler work together and discover they share more than a love for wine. Uploaded by: Freeman March 02, 2021 at 08:02 PM
Cast: Julianna Guill as Brooke Meredith Baxter as Carla Kilgore Sebastian Billingsley-Rodriguez as Michael Francoise Yip as Sara
Year: 2020
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 6.1 / 10