Movie: The Phoenix Tapes 97 (2016)
Film Synopsis:
In 1997, four campers disappeared during the Phoenix Lights incident and their bodies were never found. Phoenix Tapes 97 consists of their final recordings. The film is dedicated to the lives lost during the events shown. To their family and friends and to the authorities who continue to search for answers. The tapes were discovered by Dustin Millers father two years after Dustin was mysteriously shot and killed during a traffic stop in Texas. Peter Miller believes his son is acting as a whistleblower and has smuggled tapes from a government agency he classified in an attempt to uncover the truth about what really happened to the four missing campers seen on the tapes. After searching every newspaper and media publication around Phoenix during that time period, we only found one initial announcement that four campers were reported missing, as well as a formal police report folder with local PD but the folder had no files in it. Uploaded by: Freeman March 30, 2021 at 03:23 am
Year: 2016
Genre: Action/Horror
Rating: 5.3 / 10