Movie: Endorphine (2015)
Film Synopsis:
Twelve-year-old Simone feels painfully disconnected from the world after witnessing the brutal death of her mother. Simone, a lone multimedia artist in her twenties, struggles to control her devastating panic attacks and keep her job in an underground parking lot. And Simone, a sixty-year-old physicist, gives a conference on the nature of time. The lives of the Three Simones are intertwined in a labyrinthine meta world where time frames overlap, characters multiply, and story lines repeat and develop. But, for all the back and forth through time, Endorphin remains grounded in Simones inner life — its an artistic examination of a scientific phenomenon that also poignantly explores how people deal with trauma. Uploaded by: Freeman October 25, 2022 at 02:21 pm
Cast: Sophie Nelisse as Simone Theodore Pellerin as Gregoire
Year: 2015
Genre: Drama/
Rating : 6.0 / 10