Movie: Five Thirteen (2013)
Film Synopsis:
In this suspense-filled thriller, brothers Mike and Tre set out in search of a better life, trying to leave their demons behind once and for all. After being released from prison for a crime he didnt commit, Mikes only care in the world is protecting his young daughter from an unforgiving ex. But the justice that awaits him on the streets is far worse than anything Mike experienced in prison. His older brother, Tre, reluctantly agrees to one last "delivery," seeking to free Mike and his new girlfriend from the clutches of the criminal underworld. What happens is a wild misadventure where many lives unknowingly intersect, and where decisions are made that will haunt everyone forever uploaded by: Otto April 17, 2014 at 07:05
Cast: Costas Mandylor as Sheriff OConnor Taryn Manning as Lisa Danny Trejo as El Loco Tom Sizemore as Glen
Year: 2013
Genre: Action/Crime
Rating: 4.3 / 10