Komunitas Film Join
Movie: Good Morning Miss Dove (1955)
Film Synopsis:
Miss Dove is a New England primary school teacher who is respected by her students in the small town of Liberty Hill. When she falls ill, a friendly doctor, who is a former student of Miss Dove, comes to her aid. As many of her students, present and past, came to see her in the hospital, they revealed how Miss Dove had deeply influenced their lives over the years. These visitors included a police officer, a playwright, a banker, a prisoner, and an unmarried mother. Uploaded by: Freeman April 02, 2023 at 01:43 am
Cast: Ken Osmond as Tommy Baker - Age 9 Shailar Coby as Bill Holloway Marshall Thompson as Wilfred Banning Pendleton III Mary Wickes as Miss Lorraine Ellwood
Year: 1955
Genre: Drama/
Rating: 7.0 / 10
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