Movie: Hailey Dean Mystery Hailey Dean Mysteries Death on Duty (2019)
Film Synopsis:
Psychologist and former prosecutor Hailey Dean helps her friend Detective Garland Fincher investigate the murder of her former marine friend. With a growing list of suspects each with a strong motive, Hailey uses her investigative skills, as well as her uncanny ability to read people, to read and follow clues that will lead them to the killer. And, when the body of a female Marine turns up in the same park where Finchers friend was found, the case takes a new turn as Hailey uncovers a conspiracy that puts her own life in danger as she pursues justice for the victims. Uploaded by: Freeman December 02, 2021 at 09:24 am
Cast: Lauren Holly as D.A. Paulina DOrazio Kellie Martin as Hailey Dean Lucia Walters as Det. Charlene Montgomery Alvina August as Meghan Phillips
Year: 2019
Genre: Action/Crime
Rating: 6.7 / 10