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Movie: Hotel Artemis (2018)

Film Synopsis:
Los Angeles, June 21, 2028. While the streets are torn apart by riots, the nurse, who runs a clandestine hospital for criminals in the penthouse of the Artemis, an old hotel that secretive, having a hard night dealing with a trouble-making client: Thief: Thief, a secretive thief, having a hard night dealing with a trouble-making client: Thief: Thief, Thief, a trouble-making thief: Thief: a trouble-making thief: Thief , a murderer, someone from the past and a person who owns the place and the entire city. Uploaded by: Freeman September 27, 2018 at 03:50 am

Cast: Sofia Boutella as Nice Jodie Foster as The Nurse Dave Bautista as Everest Jeff Goldblum as Niagara
Year: 2018
Genre: Action/Crime
Rating: 6.1 / 10

Download File: Hotel Artemis (2018) [720p] [BluRay] [MX].torrent

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