Movie: Innocent (2011)
Film Synopsis:
Bill Pullman (Independence Day, Torchwood) stars as Rusty Sabich, a judge charged with the murder of his wife, a situation that occurs 20 years after he was cleared in death of his master. During this final trial, a secret affair from Rustys past threatens to hinder his defense and fracture his relationship with his son. Oscar winner Marcia Gay Harden (Pollack, Damage) plays Rustys wife, while Alfred Molina (Spider-Man 2, Law & Order: LA) is his friend and defense attorney. Scott Turows Innocent is the sequel to Turows bestselling book Innocent. This film was written and directed by Mike Robe uploaded by: Freeman March 15 2020 at 09:57 pm
Cast: Bill Pullman as Rusty Sabich Marcia Gay Harden as Barbara Sabich Alfred Molina as Sandy Stern Richard Schiff as Tommy Molto
Year: 2011
Genre: Action/Crime
Rating: 5.5 / 10