Movie: Lucia (1968)
Film Synopsis:
In his award-winning film Lucia, Humberto Solas interprets the theme of Cubas centennial struggle in an entirely new way to create an epic in three separate episodes, each center around a woman named Lucia and each takes place in a different period in Cubas history, corresponding to the three stages of colonialism (1895), neocolonialism (1930) and the Socialist Revolution (1968). The three episodes also give us “Lucias” from various social classes. Solas describes his films this way: "The female roles always tease out the contradictions of a period and make them explicit: Lucia is not a film about women, it is a film about society." Uploaded by: Freeman October 22, 2020 at 04:44
Year: 1968
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 7.1 / 10