Movie: Man of La Mancha (1972)
Film Synopsis:
In the sixteenth century, Miguel de Cervantes, poet, playwright, and part-time actor, was arrested, along with his servant, by the Spanish Inquisition. They were accused of presenting entertainment attacks for the Inquisition. In the large dungeon into which they were thrown, the other prisoners wandered in on Cervantes and his manservants, and began a mock trial, with the intention of stealing or burning his possessions. Cervantes wanted desperately to save a manuscript that he had brought with him and staged, with costumes, makeup and the participation of other prisoners, an unusual defense-the story of Don Quixote. Uploaded by: Freeman January 15, 2019 at 06:26
Cast: Sophia Loren as Dulcinea / Aldonza Peter OToole as Don Quixote De La Mancha / Miguel de Cervantes / Alonso Quijana Brian Blessed as Pedro Julie Gregg as Antonia Quijana
Year: 1972
Genre: Action/Drama
Rating: 6.5 / 10