Movie: My Geisha (1962)
Film Synopsis:
Acclaimed film director Paul Robaix breaks with tradition by not casting his comedy-actress wife, Lucy Dell, in his latest film production, a version of Madame Butterfly. Undeterred, the resourceful Lucy Wings to Tokyo and, disguised as a Japanese geisha, lands the coveted role of her unsuspecting husband! But in front of the camera (and behind the pancake makeup), Lucy faces bigger challenges: a lecherous leading man - and a husband who begins to realize that his talented new "discovery" seems very familiar... uploaded by: Freeman January 25, 2021 at 03:05
Cast: Shirley MacLaine as Lucy Dell / Yoko Mori Yves Montand as Paul Robaix Edward G. Robinson as Sam Lewis Robert Cummings as Bob Moore
Year: 1962
Genre: Action/Comedy
Rating: 6.5 / 10